Assets/Locations: Projects

The Assets/Locations tab lists the assets and/or locations with which the project is associated. A check box at the top of the page can also automatically link the assets associated with the project's work orders.

This page can also be used to list / group a set of assets together, even if they are not associated with work orders. This allows you to use the Project feature to create a group of assets for easy access in reporting and other features. To support this feature, assets can be manually added to this page.

Assets manually added to this page can be removed from the list. Assets listed through their association with a project work order cannot be removed from the list unless the work order is removed from the project.

For each record referenced on this page, the following information is displayed:

  • The name and ID of the asset or location.

    The ID is listed in parenthesis next to the name.

  • The location of the parent asset.

    Maintenance Connection identifies the location of the parent by searching up the asset list until the first location record is found. Multiple parent locations may be listed.

The Include Assets from Work Orders check box control is automatically selected for new projects. If the project has just been created, the assets associated with project work orders may not be displayed. You may need to initially click Refresh to display the records.

ClosedInclude or Exclude Assets from Work Orders

  1. Choose between two options:

    • Select the Include Assets from Work Orders associated to this project check box if you want to include assets from associated work orders.

      This check box is automatically selected for new projects. If the associated assets do not display, click the Refresh button.

    • Clear the Include Assets from Work Orders associated to this project check box if you want to exclude assets from associated work orders.

  2. Click Save.


ClosedManually Add an Asset or Location

  1. Click Add.

    The Asset/Location lookup opens.

  2. Locate and select the desired asset or location.

    The selected asset will be added to the My Selection(s) area at the bottom of the lookup.

  3. Continue to select any additional assets or locations you want to add.

  4. Click Apply.

    The Asset/Location lookup closes, and the new records are added to the Asset/Location List.

  5. Click Save.


ClosedRemove an Asset or Location

Only assets that have been manually added can be removed. Assets that are listed through their association with project work orders cannot be removed.

Remove an asset or location associated with the project:

  1. Click the check box to the left of the asset or location you want to remove.

    A check mark appears, indicating the record has been selected.

  2. Continue to select any additional records you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove.

    The asset and/or location records are removed.

  4. Click Save.